FSAI announce launch of new learning portal


"The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has announced the launch of its new ‘Learning Portal’, an easy-to-navigate digital platform designed to consolidate best-in-class compliance training content and resources on food safety and hygiene. The introduction of this new desktop and mobile compatible learning portal aims to strengthen adherence with food safety legal requirements and supplement the food safety training provided by food businesses to their staff.

The new learning portal is free to use and offers a wealth of specialised content to assist users in keeping up to date with the latest food safety requirements. The learning portal's materials can be easily incorporated into food safety courses, staff meetings, or used for self-learning, allowing learners to study at their own pace and convenience. It was developed to assist in building compliance by food businesses and it includes eLearning modules, webinars, short videos, and explanatory materials covering a broad range of relevant topics."
